Article Sending Provisions
a) Articles being send must be original. Quotations should be shown in “” and in footnotes. Plagiarism is a crime and in such a case the article author will be responsible for the legal procedure.
b) The article should be in Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 line spacing and at least 2 pages long.
c) At the top of your file write your name, surname, under which topic title your article is(e.g. Law, equality et. al) and your CV not exceeding 10 lines.
d) The Rights and Humanity Committee will decide whether the article send will be published according to the designated goals in the who are we section.
e) The published articles can be gathered later as a book, booklet or e-book. Extra permission will not be taken from the author for this.
Please send us your article using our e-mail address as attached to an e-mail message containing your firstname, lastname, subject of your article and a short explanation.